Articles Posted in Reckless Driver


A catastrophic injury can happen in any motor vehicle accident, but they are especially common in truck accidents. The difference in size and weight between a commercial truck and a passenger vehicle leaves the occupants of the passenger vehicle at a very high risk for catastrophic injuries. Sadly, catastrophic injuries have devastating consequences that impact a person’s life forever. As an experienced Massachusetts truck accident attorney, I have seen this in many commercial truck accident cases.

Categorizing Catastrophic Injuries

Not every severe injury is categorized as catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries are usually defined as injuries that impact a person’s quality of life. In most cases, a catastrophic injury has a permanent impact and the conditions associated with this type of injury are irreversible. Catastrophic injuries can also be fatal.


Driver negligence is a main cause of car accidents. A negligent driver brings to mind a driver who is intoxicated or on drugs. Even a driver on prescription drugs with instructions not to use while operating heavy machinery (like a vehicle) can be negligent. If a car accident is caused by a driver under any of these influences, that driver may be deemed negligent. Drinking and drugs are not the only form of driver negligence. Many less obvious behaviors performed on a daily basis can be deemed negligent while driving.

Common examples of driver negligence:

  • Reading a map or piece of paper

On September 8, The Sun Chronicle reported three people were injured in a four-car accident on Route 123 (East Main Street) in Norton. All four vehicles involved in the traffic accident were traveling westbound on East Main Street at the time of the traffic accident. One driver was transported to Rhode Island Hospital in Providence and two other drivers were transported to Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro. All three drivers had non-life-threatening injuries. The fourth driver in the traffic accident was not injured.

According to the police, the driver of a Cadillac SUV collided with the vehicle in front of him causing a chain reaction traffic accident. The driver of the Cadillac SUV has been charged with negligent operation of a motor vehicle and marked lanes violation. The driver of another vehicle involved in the traffic accident was charged with operating a motor vehicle with a suspended driver’s license. Law enforcement officers continue to investigate the traffic accident.

Determining Fault In A Multi-Vehicle Traffic Accident


Road rage has become a phenomenon in the United States in recent years. Road rage can be as simple as an angry shout to a passing vehicle or as serious as someone tailgating or hitting another vehicle on purpose. A road rage accident can cause minor injuries, permanent disabilities, and death. If you have been injured in a road rage accident, you may be wondering if you can file a lawsuit for injuries sustained in a road rage accident.

Criminal Activity

A person who acts in a vicious manner when in a rage and follows up with certain acts is behaving in an intentional manner, which can be seen as a crime. For example, if a driver intentionally rams into your vehicle, that action can be classified as assault and battery. If a driver runs you off the road and then exits the vehicle to hit you, that person could be facing an assault and battery charge. There are several criminal offenses that could result from a road rage accident, including vehicular manslaughter, murder, reckless driving, and hit-and-run. The specific criminal charge depends on the facts of the case.

According to Coventry Police, a Cranston, Rhode Island woman is facing multiple charges.  The woman has been charged with texting while operating a motor vehicle in Rhode Island. She traveled over the posted speed limit and went off the road trying  to catch a Pokemon. Providence Journal Article August 31st 2016

Safety Tips for Playing Pokeman

Luckily, she was not injured.  Playing Pokeman caused a car accident in Rhode Island. The police have issued basic safety tips for people who play this popular cell phone based game. The first tip? “Do not ‘Pokemon Go’ and drive”.  We all know already not to text and drive.  Many car accidents occur when drivers text behind the wheel.  I have almost been hit by one of these distracted drivers.  If you have been in a car accident with a distracted driver in Rhode Island or Massachusetts here are some steps to take.  Steps to Take If You Spot a Distracted Driver in Rhode Island If you have been injured in a car accident with a distracted driver in Rhode Island or Massachusetts you need an accident lawyer.   David Tapalian is an experienced car accident lawyer serving Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

A Rhode Island teenager was traveling on I-495 mid-June when he slammed into a highway sign which ultimately pierced the windshield of his vehicle. The Toyota Corolla driver was not paying attention when traffic stopped ahead of him as a result of a lane closure for a construction project. When the driver attempted to stop his vehicle, he lost control of the car and slid off the road, slamming into a construction sign warning him about that lane closure. The man was hit in the head when that sign came through his windshield and he was taken to Rhode Island Hospital with a head laceration.

If you have been injured in a distracted-driving accident because someone else was not paying attention or otherwise driving recklessly, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim with the help of a Rhode Island car accident attorney. Although many studies have pointed out the dangers of distracted driving and more police officers have taken an active role in stopping this behavior, it still persists.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that more people are aware of the dangers of distracted driving, this practice is still extremely common. This is especially true among teenagers who are more likely to be on the roads during the summer and are more likely to engage in texting and driving or other forms of distracted driving to begin with. In fact, this is why the summer is known as the 100 deadliest days. During this period, fatalities in accidents involving teenagers are at a year-round high.

One of the most common outcomes of a Rhode Island  or Massachusetts car accident is suffering from head, neck or back injuries. This can typically present itself as whiplash and can range in severity from mild to extremely painful. A new research study out of Denmark backs up previous research that individuals suffering from a whiplash injury may continue to experience pain years after the initial accident in which the whiplash happened.

Not Just Neck Pain Felt From Whiplash

There are physical as well as psychosocial impacts of whiplash. What the researchers found is that individuals classified as high risk for whiplash injury immediately after an accident were  the most likely to still experience pain a decade after the accident happened. These individuals also suffered in more substantial numbers as it related to general arm, neck, head, and shoulder pain as well.

Typically, an alarming number of teenage drivers have been injured during the 100 deadliest days of the year, the period which started recently on Memorial Day weekend. During this time period, numerous research studies and accident reports have indicated that teens are at their highest risk of car crash fatalities. A recent report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is the newest study of this type indicating that nearly 60% of teen crashes in general involve being distracted behind the wheel.

Distracted Driving Is Especially Dangerous

In the last five years, more than 5,000 individuals have been killed in car accidents involving teen drivers during this 100 day period. The number of deaths from crashes associated with teen drivers increased by 16% on a daily basis when compared with other days of the year. The results are part of an eight-year research program using crash videos to analyze the experience of teen drivers. The three leading types of distractions for teens behind the wheel included:

If you have recently been involved in a car accident and are exploring all possible causes for this accident to present to your Rhode Island car accident attorney; you may need to reflect back carefully on the moments just prior to when the accident occurred. Thinking carefully about the other driver’s behavior in this instance could help you identify important information for moving forward with a personal injury claim.

Drowsy Or Distracted Drivers Are A Growing Problem

Although there are many factors that can contribute to driver negligence on the road, if you spotted the other driver weaving in and out of or drifting into other lanes, this could be a clear sign that he or she was drowsy or distracted behind the wheel. Lane drifting might seem innocuous but in fact, it can lead to devastating car accidents. This is because drivers in the other lane are not expecting any other vehicles to enter their lane without appropriate signals and clearance to do so.

Get ready for the Textalyzer.  Yes you read that right, the Textalyzer,  not Breathalyzer.  In yesterday’s NY Times there was an article giving us a glimpse into the future.  Even though most states have banned texting by driving, the problem is not going away.  People are still texting while driving, and public health officials want to treat it similar to drinking and driving.    The founder of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Candace Lightner, has helped form a new group this year Partnership for Distraction Free Driving to discourage multitasking by drivers.   The Textalyzer is one such idea being pushed in New York.

Here is how it would work.  An officer would ask you for your phone when he arrived at the scene of the accident.  With his computer he would then read your phones data as it pertained to texting.  If you don’t hand over the phone it would be similar to a refusal to take a Breathalyzer with similar loss of license penalties. This isn’t the law yet but it is one idea being proposed.  Presently law enforcement requires a warrant to access your cell phone records, but it is a timely process.  But many people argue those protections are there for good reason.  Is this going too far?  What about peoples privacy rights?  Is it worth the loss of privacy to hopefully save lives?  What do you think?

Injured In An Accident By A Distracted Driver

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